Conference Venue: Fortuna Hotel, Hanoi Vietnam
About the Congress
The International Congress on eLearning 2017 (ICE2017) is an initiative of the Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS). It is the third time for PeLS to host this biennial event with the aim of actively promoting eLearning among educators, school administrators, practitioners and lifelong learners. ICE2017 will be hosted in cooperation with TOPICA Education Group.
This year, the congress will highlight cross-cultural and cross-sector exchanges between academe, corporate and public service sectors across ASEAN contexts. Specifically, it is the aim of this congress to be a venue for discussion and exploration of the infinite possibilities of integrating eLearning beyond the academic setting and interweaving it in practically every aspect of day-to-day living in a constantly evolving society.
Specifically, the Congress hopes to address the following:
This year, the congress will highlight cross-cultural and cross-sector exchanges between academe, corporate and public service sectors across ASEAN contexts. Specifically, it is the aim of this congress to be a venue for discussion and exploration of the infinite possibilities of integrating eLearning beyond the academic setting and interweaving it in practically every aspect of day-to-day living in a constantly evolving society.
Specifically, the Congress hopes to address the following:
- advance the discourse on eLearning in the light of the ASEAN integration and its impact on education within the region;
- continue the search for new eLearning models, methods and solutions that will address the growing needs of the education, business and corporate sectors;
- promote collaboration and mutual learning to strengthen the eLearning Community of Practice in the region and beyond; and
- explore emerging issues, anticipate challenges and design solutions in the spirit of cooperation, collaboration and scholarly exchange among stakeholders.
Call for PapersThe participation of various stakeholders in the eLearning practice from educators in basic to higher education, school administrators, policy makers both from the
government and private sectors, researchers, media specialists, instructional designers, industry players and eLearning advocates are highly encouraged. Submissions maybe in the form of empirical research, case studies, or frameworks for policy and decisionmaking on the application of information and communication technologies for education and other relevant fields. We encourage submission of papers related to, but not limited to, the following areas:
Paper SubmissionAll abstract proposals must indicate the type of paper the proponent(s) is submitting: a full research paper, a work-in-progress research paper, a case study, a concept or theoretical paper, a project showcase, a best practice or white paper.
The abstract must stipulate the following:
Do not include cited materials in the abstract. Do not forget to indicate the title of the paper, full name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation and email address of the corresponding author. The abstract must have a maximum of 250 words. Ensure that you are submitting your own work or a co-authored work. ICE2017 will be utilizing the EasyChair Conference System for abstract and paper submission and review. Abstracts are encouraged to be submitted earlier, for earlier results and should be submitted in EasyChair at the latest, July 20, 2017. Authors of accepted papers will be notified not later than August 15, 2017. Accepted abstracts of authors who register by September 20, 2017 will be included in the program. EasyChair Conference System Submission: |
Registration Details

Registration fee is inclusive of congress kit, meals for two days (lunch and AM/PM snacks), welcome dinner, and certificate.
Registration is only confirmed if payment is received and acknowledged by the Philippine eLearning Society Secretariat. Filipino Professional registrants automatically become Individual members of the Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) for one year.
Participants from the Philippines may opt to pay the registration fee in Philippine Peso (PhP) using the BPI’s forex exchange rate at the time of payment. Bank charges and fees must be shouldered by the paying participants.
Bank Deposit or Wire Transfer: Philippine eLearning Society, Inc.
BPI Savings Account# 4303-0910-98
Cash and Carry Branch, Makati City
For those paying via bank deposit, please email a scanned copy of your deposit slip to [email protected]
Paypal: [email protected]
On-site payment: Payments can be made in US Dollar (US$), Philippine Peso (PhP) and Vietnamese Dong (VND)
Registration is only confirmed if payment is received and acknowledged by the Philippine eLearning Society Secretariat. Filipino Professional registrants automatically become Individual members of the Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) for one year.
Participants from the Philippines may opt to pay the registration fee in Philippine Peso (PhP) using the BPI’s forex exchange rate at the time of payment. Bank charges and fees must be shouldered by the paying participants.
Bank Deposit or Wire Transfer: Philippine eLearning Society, Inc.
BPI Savings Account# 4303-0910-98
Cash and Carry Branch, Makati City
For those paying via bank deposit, please email a scanned copy of your deposit slip to [email protected]
Paypal: [email protected]
On-site payment: Payments can be made in US Dollar (US$), Philippine Peso (PhP) and Vietnamese Dong (VND)
Important Dates
Contact Us
Congress Chair
Prof. Anthea Mariano
Mobile: +841215887143
Email: [email protected]
Congress Secretariat and Co-Chair
Prof. Anna Cherylle Ramos
Mobile: +639228344585
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Consuelo DL Habito
Mobile: +639222709770
Email: [email protected]
Prof. Anthea Mariano
Mobile: +841215887143
Email: [email protected]
Congress Secretariat and Co-Chair
Prof. Anna Cherylle Ramos
Mobile: +639228344585
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Consuelo DL Habito
Mobile: +639222709770
Email: [email protected]